The Adventures of Dr. McNinja - Official Site BBC 向來給人專業的好形象,並被國際認為是最受尊敬和信任的新聞來源之一。同樣,它們記者的專業度也是被高度重視的。然而,近來一名BBC的中東記者 Quentin Sommerville 卻在危險戰區錄製了一段他在戰區看到毒品後過 High 的影片,讓不知情的人看得非常傻眼。事後才知道原來First off, I’d like to give a heads up that there is no comic on Friday because of Thanksgiving (Katanaka) travels for Anthony and me. (And you too, probably!) After Thanksgiving, it is officially the Christmas/Hanukkah/Winter Solstice season, and of cour...