Dragon Age 2: Walkthrough - Part 1 [HD] (PS3/X360/PC) - YouTube 話說,在宜家偷偷躲着過夜這個玩法,估計大家之前也略有所聞了, 這種風氣前兩年由兩個比利時的少年帶起,當時他們躲在櫃櫥里幾個小時,成功躲開了保安後,在宜家裡面嗨了一夜。 他們把整個過程錄了下來放上油管,視頻徹底火後,引起了很多網友的效仿,一時之間,油管上「宜家過夜」的挑戰If you want to buy Dragon Age 2: http://amzn.to/DragonAge2 This is the complete gameplay walkthrough of the Dragon Age 2 Demo for the Playstation 3, XBOX 360, and PC. Played on the XBOX 360. **Send us a email (general@media-cows.com) with the subject line...