New Balance 狀告匡威,穿了多年的 All Star 是盜版?
Dragon Boat Festival Story - YouTube當匡威將 RALPH LAUREN、TORY BURCH、H&M 等品牌告上法庭時,應該不會想到 New Balance 會追在後面咬自己一口。日前,New Balance 向法院指控匡威涉嫌侵犯其註冊商標權,而涉事的卻正是走在正名路上的、匡威經典的 All Star 系列。難道我們穿了好多年的 AThe Story of the Dragon Boat Festival is a heart warming story developed by the CI4TCM about the Dragon Boat Festival day and about the many traditions still followed by families on this special day to maintain health....