drink a beer

Untappd - Official Site我在國中教書今天上課分小隊這學期我規定每隊隊名裡面一定要有"動物"然後要在五個字以內之所以有字數的限制是因為之前有小隊取個史上無敵超霹靂麻辣旋風海綿寶寶他哥海綿體寶寶小隊 之類的隊名儘管很長很酷 但我還是很無情的簡稱他們是史上小隊讓他們一直該 為了避免這種困擾 所以才有字數限制創意就是在有限資源裡發Untappd is a new mobile web app that allows you to socially share the brew you're currently enjoying, as well as where you're enjoying it, with your friends!...


Food & Drink - How To Information | eHow某人耶誕節前夕買了一大桶好酒放在戶外。第二天他發現少了四分之一,便在酒桶上貼了 「不許偷酒」 四個字。第三天,酒又少了四分之一,他非常生氣又貼了 「偷酒者殺無赦」 六個字。第四天,酒還是被偷,只剩下了四分之一,他的肺都快氣炸了!他的一個朋友知道了此事,就對他說:「笨蛋! 你不會在酒桶上貼上 『尿桶』Need help in the kitchen? eHow offers quick and easy recipe ideas and cooking techniques for everyday meals as well as holidays and other celebrations....


CDC - Frequently Asked Questions - Alcohol這是之前真實事件的一個 "詐騙案"台中縣一名吳姓男子看到報紙廣告,聲稱免開刀、免住院可讓生殖器「變大」,便匯款購買,結果貨到拆封竟是個xxx,他認為自己受騙,一狀告到縣府消費者服務中心,透過協調依消保法買賣未達七天可解除契約,才得以退貨還錢。縣府消保官黃xx說,這名吳姓男子日前至縣府消費者服務中心申Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is an intoxicating ingredient found in beer, wine, and liquor. Alcohol is produced by the fermentation of yeast, sugars, and starches. Alcohol affects every organ in the body. It is a central nervous system depressant that is ra...


Canadian Living - Official Site今天在網咖玩魔獸,不遠處有兩個非主流在玩勁5,辟里啪啦的按鍵盤!我很不爽! 於是,我也開始按鍵盤!我使勁的按!用力的按!按得比他們還快!比他們還響! 他們不禁看了過來,我故意輕蔑地瞥了他們一眼!他們變了臉色,狠狠瞪了我一眼!我馬上回瞪過去! 那兩人對視一眼也開始擊打鍵盤!聲響又超Quick & Easy Sep 6, 2016 Beef Stroganoff Soup By: Jennifer Bartoli and The Canadian Living Test Kitchen This dish takes the rich flavours of beef Stroganoff and transforms them into an easy one-pan soup. Read More...


AOL Food - Recipes, Cooking and Entertaining寫得......真是厲害以前提到結婚,想到「天長地久」;現在提到結婚,想到「能撐多久」。當初會結婚,說是「看上眼」;後來會離婚,說是「看走眼」。婚前,愛情是神話;婚後,愛情是笑話。男人花錢,是為了讓女人高興;女人花錢,是因為男人讓她不高興。嫁入「豪門」,要懂得理財;嫁入「寒門」,要懂得生財。以前的人Recipes, Cooking, and Entertaining. Expert advice for every meal....


BevNET.com - Official Site8個士兵8個士兵請了一天假到城裏去玩,可是到第二天早上出操時還沒回來。中尉十分惱火。7點一過,第一個士兵來了。“很抱歉,長官。”他向中尉解釋道,“我的表慢了。沒有趕上火車,就租了一輛汽車往回趕,可是半路汽車又壞了,我只好到村裏買了一匹馬,誰想馬又死了。我跑了10多People have tried several times to market a ready-to-drink rooibos tea to children, and it has always failed to catch on. To us, there seems to be a big disconnect between the purchaser (the parent who might be in tune with this) and the end user (a child...
