Official Home of Driver Detective - Your Most Trusted Driver Update and Driver Download Software 圖爆料公社 一名網友在臉書知名社團「爆料公社」爆料,一群女遊客不僅佔用了男廁所,還非常兇的嗆聲說「為什麼不能上?」讓他非常不滿,故此上傳這張照片,請各位網友評評理!從他的發文中可以清楚感受到他的不爽,他痛批「如果今天是我進了女廁所,估計妳要打電話報警了。」男網友希望女生想想,如果妳上廁所時旁邊站了At PC Drivers HeadQuarters we have distilled 10 years of PC hardware expertise into our driver identification software, Driver Detective. Driver Detective was created to save you time and remove any guesswork in resolving driver problems by ......