CUBOX 以下是新春開運限量福袋
Motorola Droid RAZR HD Dock | Android Central 台灣潮流品牌 CUBOX,推出相當應景的新春開運限量福袋,售價1500元,內容涵蓋CUBOX外套、帽子、皮帶、配件、包包、T恤、襯衫等超越4000元以上的價值,點擊後可以看到活動詳情。 1.發售時間:1/31(大年初一)~2/4(大年初五) 每日限量販售 2.售價:1500元 3.尺寸:Read our full Droid Razr Review! Here's a quick look at the HD Dock for the Motorola Droid RAZR. It's a simple enough accessory -- you plug in the phone and dock mode launches. It's got a trio of modes -- music, office and bedside (though we'd argue you c...