「假男友」騙她玩矇眼性愛 真男友竟遭判刑…關鍵在這2字!
Write - A Beautiful Writing & Note Taking App for iPhone, iPad and Mac with Dropbox and iCloud Sync 你聽過男生「用聲音」騙女人身體嗎?日前高雄一名女子真實碰上這離譜事件,配合「假男友」指示發生性關係後,才發現對方根本不是自己男友!一起來了解。 文/聖J 你聽過男生「用聲音」騙女人身體嗎?日前高雄一名女子真實碰上這離譜事件,配合「假男友」指示發生性關係後,“Write For iPhone Looks Like The Future Of iOS Text Editors” Cult of Mac "With extensive gestures, markdown support, lots of sharing options, and a beautiful interface, Write for Dropbox may just be the best text editor for iPhone we've ever seen." iMore...