dropbox public folder

Public Dropbox Folder | JLog - JLog | backup, Legacy Family Tree, news & views, organization,嚇!!! To answer some common questions: How to put something in someone’s Dropbox folder? How to access a public Dropbox folder? How to get into someone’s Dropbox? How to find people on Dropbox? Your Dropbox is yours. People can’t just randomly come along ......


Enable Public Folder for New Dropbox Accounts | Techdows廣志你~也太不用心了吧~~~~ Public folder in Dropbox accounts allows users to drop files to the folder and share the generated link with the public (even they don’t have Dropbox accounts) by right-clicking on the file and selecting “Copy public link”. Dropbox announced in the past t...


Access Dropbox Public Folder | JLog - JLog | backup, Legacy Family Tree, news & views, organization,而是... 他不會掉到裡面...You cannot access anyone’s Public Dropbox folder unless they’ve given you the link to it. You can’t search Dropbox folders. There’s a common misconception that Dropbox folders are listed in a directory of drop boxes somewhere, and people can put files in ...


How-To Share Files Easily Using Dropbox Public Links實用~~~~ Sharing pictures and files is usually pretty simple with email and other technologies like drop.io. But what if the file is HUGE like over a gig or if the person you want to share the file with isn’t exactly geeky?? Well, I have a great solution for you t...


Download an unzipped folder from Dropbox's Public folder - Mac OS X Hints天阿...母雞們請爭爭氣吧!!! Sometimes it is necessary to upload an unzipped folder to Dropbox because some PC users can have problems with opening a file zipped on a Mac. However, you can't make a public link from an unzipped folder in Dropbox. Here's a solution for creating a link ...
