drunk in love

Beyoncé - Drunk in Love (Explicit) ft. JAY Z - YouTube著名服裝品牌Levi's宣布他們新開發了一種牛仔布料,這種布料的特別之​​處在於其中20%的成分是回收的塑膠飲料瓶。 Levi's表示他們與廢物回收公司達成合作,對各種飲料瓶、一次性塑料餐盤等PET(聚對苯二甲酸乙二酯)塑料廢品根據顏色進行分類、粉碎、抽絲並與棉纖維混紡製成棉線,最後製成牛仔布料。由BEYONCÉ Platinum Edition. Available on iTunes: http://beyonce.lk/itunesplatinum Available on Amazon: http://beyonce.lk/platinumam Box Set includes : 2 New Tracks . 4 New Remixes . 10 Live performances . 2015 Mini Calendar . 2 Photo Books . 17 Music Videos...


Punch-Drunk Love (2002) - IMDb這對世仇終於握手言和,還稱兄道弟了!??真的假的!?     是像這樣!?                 不論如何~~~事實擺在眼前!真是難以置信啊!!! Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. With Adam Sandler, Jason Andrews, Don McManus, Emily Watson. A psychologically troubled novelty supplier is nudged towards a romance with an English woman, all the while being extorted by a phone-sex line run by a crooked...


Illuminati symbolism in Beyonce ft. Jay-Z ‘Drunk in Love’ video前金牌射門王如今邁向中年了....有一天他在路上看到一樁搶案...於是~~ People really are CRAZY!! I’m sure someone can find lots of “illuminati Symbols” in EVERYTHING! The thing that really annoyed me was the photo with the so called horns or whatever…Beyoncé is from HOUSTON and that’s what ALL, including myself, hold up to ....


Geckos Adventures: Epic Small Group Tours!1.被巨型廣告牌砸死內布拉斯加州的Diana Durre在事發時正坐在自己的貨車駕駛室中,當她注意到75尺(23米)高的廣告牌倒向自己的車時,一切都晚了。由於當天風力較大,廣告牌距地面15尺(4.5米)高處一個焊點發生斷裂,直直地砸在Diana所在的貨車頂上。Diana本來要約見一對懷俄明來的夫婦,THERE’S MORE TO MEXICAN FOOD THAN TACOS. HERE’S PROOF. This may come as a surprise, but there is more to Mexican food than burritos and tacos. We aren’t indulging in any food snobbery here, because we freakin’ love tacos and burritos as much as ......
