關於男女情愛十個小技巧! 你千萬不要害羞
dry humor | WordReference Forums 男女必知的性愛技巧 你知道嗎?由於性生活經驗不足,許多女性在床上時不知道如何取悅自己和對方,為了解決許多女性對性愛了解不足的問題,專家提出了十大原則,幫助你在性愛時更能進入狀態。1、取悅自己和取悅對方一樣重要有時候,女性為了害怕對方無法獲得滿足,因此盡力配合對方的需要。但can anyone tell me what is dry humor? and some examples :) pls I ask to an english man the other day, buy sTill don't get it? many thanks, ;)... ... I'm not sure wether this is a good example of dry humor but it's dry, anyway: Shortly after the WW2 two Ge...