dry Meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary這不是巧合:50個人類無法逃避的人生定律! 1、25歲定律 碩士畢業是25歲,自己還沒有一點社會經驗的時候,很容易就蹉跎兩年,然後可能想到應該結婚,然後會發現為什麼就顯得有點晚了呢? 2、三年定律 如果男朋友處了三年,覺得應該結婚了,但是又覺得他總有不合適不滿意的地方。重dry meaning, definition, what is dry: used to describe something that has no water or other liquid in, on, or around it: . Learn more. ... With America’s Independence Day on the 4th and France’s Bastille Day on the 14th, July certainly has a revolutionary...