dry sense of humor 意思

How to Develop a Dry Sense of Humor | eHow ▲超可怕的黑暗失敗料理!(sourse : lifebuzz,下同) 料理是一種需要多加嘗試才能成功的技藝,但是在學習的過程中可能會做出很多千奇百怪的失敗品,甚至像是召喚出地獄的惡魔一樣。根據lifebuzz分享,這裡有10個料理失敗品,誇張到讓人以為是地獄來的黑暗料理。   #1 可愛Developing a dry sense of humor can be challenging and fun. Learn how to develop one. If you really want to (and you know you do) then read the article....


Urban Dictionary: dry sense of humor收到朋友送來的一個小禮物,米菲兔的電動玩偶。       完全不知道為什麼要送給我這個東西,怎麼看都像是一個小朋友的玩具吧?   這個……已經不是小朋友等級了,而是用來逗一兩歲的小嬰兒的玩具吧?     送這個給Bro, you always catch me off guard, you got a very dry sense of humor. ... Free Daily Email Type your email address below to get our free Urban Word of the Day every morning!...


A Dry Sense of Humor? - dryhumorvswethumor funny dryhumor | Ask MetaFilter ▲貧窮的老爺爺隨便拿了家裡後面的毯子給專家鑑定。(source:youtube,下同)   大家有看過鑑定寶物的現場直播節目嗎?目前這種節目在國外大為流行,因為常常有人帶著看起來價值連城的東西最後才被發現是假貨,或者是不起眼的東西竟然是超高值的東西! 根據Antiques RoadshoWhat makes 'dry humor' dry? ... There is an aspect of sophistication in dry humor where Steven Wright puts absurdity, causing me to think of him as having dry delivery more than dry humor....


dry - definition of dry by The Free Dictionary ▲妄想過頭了嗎?竟然說自己有氣功護體?(sourse : youtube) 世界無奇不有,尤其是各式各樣的奇人異事,有的人自稱能通靈,也有人自稱擁有神奇魔法武功,根據ozzyman報導,竟然有人自稱擁有能量氣場,可以藉此擋下綜合武術家的結實直拳!甚至還錄下整個過程。   一位自稱是能量氣dry (drī) adj. dri·er (drī′ər), dri·est (drī′ĭst) or dry·er or dry·est 1. Free from liquid or moisture: changed to dry clothes. 2. a. Having or characterized by little or no rain: a dry climate. b. Marked by the absence of natural or normal moisture: a dr...


'A proud Welshman with a wonderfully dry sense of humour': Tributes to Welsh sports journalist Ken G撰文/羽穗、攝影/張紋豪、場地提供/Longtimeago Café夢遊咖啡館 難得有機會與三五好友相聚,到戶外踏青、郊遊、爬山,除了球鞋、運動褲的標準配備,這時候,如果能穿得有些不一樣,絕對能讓大夥們驚艷不已。 達人蔡倉源,再次現身教學!畢竟穿搭是一種學問、一種熱情,就算只是出門散步Well-known Welsh sports journalist Ken Gorman has died, aged 72. Mr Gorman had been one of the most authoritative voices on boxing during a widely-respected Fleet Street career that took in spells at the Daily Express and the Daily Star. He covered some o...


Australian humour - Home | australia.gov.au俗話說,「三百六十行,行行出狀元」。有時候,就算你沒有崇高的職業追求,要是不具備一定的素養,很有可能像下面這個紐西蘭小偷一樣,險些付出生命的代價……   這件事發生在奧克蘭東邊St Heliers 灣的一家小馬俱樂部,這裡有圍場、跳躍競技場、騎馬場、越野賽道等等Australian humour has a long history that can be traced back to our origins as convict colonies. It is therefore no surprise that a national sense of humour quickly developed that responded to those conditions. This unique sense of humour is recognised (a...
