dry sense of humor 意思

How to Develop a Dry Sense of Humor | eHow網友爆料,本年度最奇葩的衣服誕生了!   這就是那件衣服,背面看沒問題,純藍色T恤,還可以   特麼的看正面是這樣.....T恤上粘了一件長袖襯衫?!   品牌是「巴黎世家」,這件「T恤襯衫」售價1290美元   再來仔細看看這貨     Developing a dry sense of humor can be challenging and fun. Learn how to develop one. If you really want to (and you know you do) then read the article....


Urban Dictionary: dry sense of humor (以下圖片翻攝自秒拍影片截圖) 大吉大利,晚上吃雞。這是出現在《絕地求生:大逃殺》中獲得第一名會出現的台詞。想要吃雞除了自己擁有冷靜的思考,敏捷的身法,更重要的是要有一個“神隊友”,不過往往我們的隊友都是屬豬的... 比如這則視頻,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,先讓我笑兩分鐘,一男子被敵Bro, you always catch me off guard, you got a very dry sense of humor. ... Free Daily Email Type your email address below to get our free Urban Word of the Day every morning!...


A Dry Sense of Humor? - dryhumorvswethumor funny dryhumor | Ask MetaFilter (以下圖片翻攝自秒拍影片截圖) 你知道我為什麼感冒了嗎?”“因為著涼了?” “不,因為我對你完全沒有抵抗力。” 不知道什麼時候開始我們開始流行“土味情話”,可以說土味這個東西真的是讓人又愛又恨,一方面嫌棄它土的掉渣What makes 'dry humor' dry? ... There is an aspect of sophistication in dry humor where Steven Wright puts absurdity, causing me to think of him as having dry delivery more than dry humor....


dry - definition of dry by The Free Dictionary (以下圖片翻攝自秒拍影片截圖) 搶劫的情節大家一定都不陌生吧,窮凶極惡的強盜,快速敏捷的身手,強壯威猛的身材,這好像都是屬於強盜的必備標籤。 但是接下來這則視頻可沒那麼簡單了,這是國外一家便利店攝像頭記錄的一段搶劫畫面,不到一分鐘的時間,竟然如此超神? 兩名強盜手持菜刀進入便利店,一名負責搜刮便利dry (drī) adj. dri·er (drī′ər), dri·est (drī′ĭst) or dry·er or dry·est 1. Free from liquid or moisture: changed to dry clothes. 2. a. Having or characterized by little or no rain: a dry climate. b. Marked by the absence of natural or normal moisture: a dr...


'A proud Welshman with a wonderfully dry sense of humour': Tributes to Welsh sports journalist Ken G (以下圖片翻攝自秒拍影片截圖) 有的男人一直嫌棄自家老婆脾氣不好,但是你們有木有想過,女人可以為一件小得不能再小的事,發一場大得不能再大的脾氣,是因為女人對身邊的男人有所期望,那是在乎的表現,那是愛的證明。 就像下面這則視頻。“還喝不喝這麼多酒?”“不喝了&rdWell-known Welsh sports journalist Ken Gorman has died, aged 72. Mr Gorman had been one of the most authoritative voices on boxing during a widely-respected Fleet Street career that took in spells at the Daily Express and the Daily Star. He covered some o...


Australian humour - Home | australia.gov.au (以下圖片翻攝自秒拍影片截圖) 現在不僅僅是“女色時代”,也是“男色時代”,哪個女孩不喜歡帥氣的小哥哥呢!那下面這則影片就是給各位小姐妹的福利啦,帥的熱血沸騰!帥的讓人合不攏眼!  Francrsco Lachowskj的八塊胸肌;BenjAustralian humour has a long history that can be traced back to our origins as convict colonies. It is therefore no surprise that a national sense of humour quickly developed that responded to those conditions. This unique sense of humour is recognised (a...
