dry sense of humor meaning

meaning - Why "sense of humour"? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange大蚊子諄諄告誡小蚊子:“夏天,是我們大展身手的時機,同時,也是四面埋伏陷阱的時期,今天,我給你們講蚊子防身術。” 小蚊子說:“我們與人打游擊,把肥的拖瘦,瘦的拖垮。” 大蚊子說:“那是過去,才打游擊戰。現在,科技發達,要打信息戰。大家不要好I'm just thinking out loud here (writing actually). I vaguely remember something related to how people long long time ago used to think that "humors" (a kind of body fluids) would somehow affect our behavior. So having a good sense of humor would mean to ...


How to Develop a Dry Sense of Humor | eHow丈夫:老婆,高潮到了嗎?   妻子:還沒呢,老公。你著什麼急啊?  過了一會兒。  丈夫:老婆,高潮應該到了吧?  妻子:哎呀,還沒呢,你再堅持一會兒! 又過了一會兒。    妻子:老公,高潮到了! 丈夫:太棒Developing a dry sense of humor can be challenging and fun. Learn how to develop one. If you really want to (and you know you do) then read the article....


Urban Dictionary: dry sense of humor女:你個沒良心的,你對的起我嘛! 男:你聽我解釋不是那樣的。 女:你牽著那女孩的手怎麼解釋! 男:哦,那女孩說馬路上車太多感覺害怕讓我牽著她的手帶她過。 女:那你手攔著她的腰貼的那麼緊怎麼回事。 男:額…她說她暈車,看著快車就頭暈我只好用手扶著她。 女:那你們親嘴呢? 男:這&hellBro, you always catch me off guard, you got a very dry sense of humor. ... Free Daily Email Type your email address below to get our free Urban Word of the Day every morning!...


dry Meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary岳父母對女婿很滿意,女婿也滿意未婚妻,女婿問丈母娘:“我該交多少彩禮?” 丈母娘說:“彩禮就免了,我生孩子要懷孕,要餵奶,我只收房租費和母乳費。” 女婿說:“她住家裡還交房租嗎?” 丈母娘說:“她住了我的子宮,當然要dry meaning, definition, what is dry: used to describe something that has no water or other liquid in, on, or around it: . Learn more. ... With America’s Independence Day on the 4th and France’s Bastille Day on the 14th, July certainly has a revolutionary...


dry - definition of dry by The Free Dictionary甲:我是名人,大明星。乙:是的,先生您是大明星。甲:我上過報紙,你知道嗎?乙:我知道你上過報紙。甲:我住在一所特別的別墅裡,還有數不清的人侍候我。乙:是的。了解。甲:你怎麼什麼都知道?乙:郝斯先生,我是您的主治大夫,兩年前您患上了精神病,曾揚言要殺了市長,所以您是名人,也被登上了報紙。為了防止您對社dry (drī) adj. dri·er (drī′ər), dri·est (drī′ĭst) or dry·er or dry·est 1. Free from liquid or moisture: changed to dry clothes. 2. a. Having or characterized by little or no rain: a dry climate. b. Marked by the absence of natural or normal moisture: a dr...


Dry Humor - Buzzle兒子是學外貿的,父親要兒子搞外貿工作。 過年回來,父親問兒子:“是從事外貿工作嗎? ”兒子說:“在外企,肯德基店當外賣的。 ”父親說:“你太沒出息了,馬上辭職吧!去找一個吃財政飯的。 ”過了三個月,兒子在當地警察陪伴下回來了, Dry humor. One of the most difficult styles of humor to master. Let us, in this article, understand what exactly dry humor is. ... Comedy has always been a great source of entertainment. And the gift of making people laugh is one of the best gifts that a ...
