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Download iDeaS DS Emulator同樣來自德國、於各自領域稱霸的銀飾品牌THOMAS SABO與豪華汽車品牌Mercedes-Benz,攜手合作設計Mercedes-Benz-A-Class THOMAS SABO特仕版車款,融合銀飾搖滾魅力與轎跑年輕動感,兩大德國工藝領袖首次跨領域嚐鮮,為新一代年輕族群量身訂做饒富搖滾靈魂且霸氣騰- To load a demo on iDeaS open the dialog Open and load in a strictly order 2 files, first you have to choose the arm9 executable file then the arm7 file. - If you don't load the second file (arm7 file) the arm7 code will be disabled. - The arm9 binary wi...


DS-Scene Downloads Area    話說,在英國的監獄裡,如何管控犯人,一直是一個非常讓獄警們撓頭的問題...   最近,一個正在蘇格蘭監獄裡服刑的殺人犯,又引發了大家的熱議... 這個年輕人名叫Jack Cramb,2010年的時候,年僅19歲的他用一塊玻璃碎片當街割斷了受害者的喉嚨,導致受害者We have a total of 4,097 file(s) available in this folder and it's 159 sub-folder(s) The newest file added to this folder was Gateway ROM Patcher 0.6 Our members have downloaded 896,497 file(s) from this folder 7.42 GB...


Nintendo DS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 這些照片,你可能都沒見過....   最近,Boredpanda總結列出了一些知名人物的照片,這些照片大多年代非常久遠,有的甚至很難和這些人物的現狀聯繫在一起。   看完這些照片,感覺看到了一個不一樣的歷史...   例如,當時四歲的奧巴馬和他的外公在海灘上玩耍~ &The Nintendo DS (ニンテンドーDS, Nintendō DS?) is a dual-screen handheld game console developed and released by Nintendo. The device went on sale in North America on November 21, 2004. The DS, short for "Developers' System" or "Dual Screen",[4] introduced disti...


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