值得學習的設計美學 - Renault Scenic 小改定裝照流出
security - Best encryption and signing algorithm for GnuPG: RSA/RSA or DSA/Elgamal? - Super UserisCar! 雖然Renault這間法國車廠早在2009年之後就淡出台灣,但偶爾在路上依舊能看見掛著菱形廠徽的老車,以及忠實粉絲們因為著迷而特別找門路引進的Renault新車。在這層意義上,我們仍舊得照顧到那群極為少眾的雷諾粉絲,並跟進一下Renault在日內瓦車展的動態。 Renault即將在日內I have found this relatively old question about whether RSA or DSA is the preferred algorithm for signing and encrypting with GnuPG. When using gpg --gen-key, the two relevant choices are either "RSA and RSA" or "DSA and Elgamal". Which is better? What ar...