Duct Tape Rose - Instructables - DIY How To Make Instructions男性和女性一樣,每個月也會有那麼幾天。只是他們的表現不那麼明顯,更多的是言行舉止上的變化。女性朋友,從今天起也開始關心自己身邊的他是否正承受生理期困擾吧。1.坐立不安 男人生理期來的時候,會表現出坐立不安。你問他發生了什麼事,他說他不想說話,就一直讓你摸不着頭腦。 坐立不安是男人內心焦躁的表現,他也Intro: Duct Tape Rose This instructable will teach you how to make Duct Tape roses, They are pretty good for valentines day and other events like fund raisers. ... Step 1: Get your stuff together What you will need for this project is: Some time: Not a lo...