RADO 雷達錶最新代言人-湯唯
Dude (Looks Like a Lady) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 初認識RADO 雷達錶,可能不知道它是一個高科技結合古典陶瓷技術的最新創舉,而這家鐘錶製造商因抗磨損而聞名,「千錘百鍊」是它最好的註腳,這也和湯唯努力不懈的精神不謀而合。因電影《色戒》爆紅的湯唯近日成了RADO雷達錶最新代言人,如果因該片喜歡上她的精湛演技,必定要欣賞她今年度的新片《黃金時代》、《"Dude (Looks Like a Lady)" is a song by American hard rock band Aerosmith. It was released as the second of four singles from the Permanent Vacation album in 1987. Bowing at #84 on 3 October 1987, the track reached #14 on the Billboard Hot 100 on 12 ......