
Dudeski不論你會不會去夜店玩,大家都知道在酒精和音樂的催化下,常常能幹出一些「破天荒」的舉動…喝太醉的瘋言瘋語、到處勾搭陌生人等等,但應該都不會超越James Heseltine的行徑。 這位還是學生的男子,在英國諾丁漢享受他「超豐富」的一晚!如果你問我怎樣算豐富,一晚跟超過30個人"If 'The Big Lebowski' had an alpine sequel, and that sequel were turned into a video game, it would be Dudeski." - Joshua Rothman, The New Yorker "Dudeski pits your shredding skills to the test in a race against an avalanche — and totally nails the run."...


Dudeski on the App Store on iTunes - Apple – iTunes – Everything you need to be entertained.   韓國女演員:李多海 李多海有著優越的家庭環境,在很小的年紀就舉家遷往澳大利亞,父母都是有頭有臉的人物。為了滿足女兒對音樂的追求,李多海的媽媽還送她去美國學習,家境一直相當富裕。     韓國女演員:金泰熙 韓國公認的天然美女,本身也是韓國最高學府首爾大學Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Dudeski on the App Store. Download Dudeski and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. ... by Freestylemx I don't have very many games on my iPhone ......


App Shopper: Dudeski (Games)蔬菜都要賣萌的時代來臨了!! 你們怎麼可以那麼可愛!!       圖片來源:http://www.wtoutiao.com/a/519055.htmlMac Apps, Mac App Store, iPad, iPhone and iPod touch app store listings, news, and price drops ... Dudeski iOS Universal Race down Shred Lord mountain as an avalanche chases after you. Ski between gates, dodge obstacles, discover the secrets of the ......


Urban Dictionary: dudeski 這位美女的腳趾頭力量驚人阿... 你們雙腳已經比雙手靈活啦~XDDD 剛洗完澡,女朋友就偷拍我,真討厭... Words related to dudeski dude bro bra broham bros brotha dawg dudeman dudeness duder duderballs l337ness sandwich associates bartandconnor best friends close friends milf totes Random Word 2. dudeski A hybrid version of dude. Hey dudeski get me a ......


Dudeski - iOS Store Top Apps | App Annie 身為一個男程式員,沒錢沒時間沒女人就算了,身邊連一個意淫的對象都沒有。女程式員這群不明種族的生物你敢嗎?喏,就是下面這樣的... 這就是我們公司唯一的女生程式員啊!!!!她的自拍照啊!!!!而且最近不知道為什麼,她越來越明目張膽的發自拍了...知道自己不上鏡還拍啊?程式員哪有皮膚好的?(別鬧)咦,App Annie Analytics makes it easy for app publishers to track their apps' downloads, revenues, rankings and reviews for iOS and Android. ... Hi everyone! Benedict and Jerry here with your first Dudeski update. Before we get to that we'd just like to thank...
