dumb starbucks

Dumb Starbucks - YouTube 有多久沒有停下腳步,感受一下風的溫柔和太陽的熱情?有多久沒有鬆下你的肩膀,慢慢地順著安穩的頻率呼吸? 放眼台北,高樓大廈、水泥牆和柏油路,到處都充斥著一股文明味,我們不知不覺成了大籠裡茫然的囚鳥,放棄越野的自由,也懶得再移動到芬芳的大自然中--因為懶、因為忙碌、因為生活--談起「戶外活動」,總還是We are now open at 1802 Hillhurst Avenue in Los Angeles, CA. Follow us at twitter.com/ dumbstarbucks. UPDATE: We're having a bit of trouble with the LA County Health Department but trying to sort things out. Thank you all for......


Dumb Starbucks: Authorities aren't laughing - Feb. 10, 2014   你是愛自己的女友,  還是只想跟她上床  曾經有一個女友,  我們相戀了10個月,  每當她打電話給我,  一打就是一個多小時以上.  和我同床共枕.  但是,我們除了親吻和調情之外一直沒有發生什麼.&nThe Dumb Starbucks stunt has come to an end, courtesy of L.A. County health officials. Apparently not the Los Angeles County Health Department. County health officials shut down the parody coffee joint Monday around the time television comedian Nathan Fie...


"Dumb Starbucks" Coffee Store Opens in California 韓國女子團體的性感指數爆表,音樂錄影帶無不賣弄性感以及大跳豔舞,這個風氣也被南韓的家長團體所撻伐,但似乎沒有削減反倒還變本加厲,就連男歌手也推出尺度邊緣的歌曲以及音樂錄影帶,原男子團體 AA 成員 AOORA,新歌 "變大縮小",光聽名子就怪怪了,內容也是充滿性暗示,反倒成功引起媒體關注It seems like every other day some dumb Starbucks or other is opening up on every block, but slightly rarer is an actual Dumb Starbucks. That's the name behind a new coffee shop in the Los Feliz neighborhood of L.A. that opened this weekend. The store, as...


Dumb Starbucks Los Angeles Coffee Shop - Business Insider 近日有日本媒體評選中國第一美女,不過出人意料的是,最終奪冠的並非是范冰冰、章子怡等國際范老牌美女,而是新生代中國少女偶像團體SNH48的成員鞠婧禕。因此,鞠婧禕成為連續一周佔據日本部分門戶網站搜索第一的人物。 日本媒體以《中國4000年第一美女誕生》為標題,高度評價了中國美少女團體SNH48的鞠婧A parody coffee shop mocking Starbucks opened this weekend in Los Angeles and is quickly becoming a sensation on social media. The shop, "Dumb Starbucks," looks nearly identical to the real Starbucks—with the exception of the word "dumb" being prefixed to...


'Dumb Starbucks' Shop Appears in L.A.'s Los Feliz - The Hollywood Reporter 姓名:紀卜心 生日:5月12日 學歷:東南科技大學 職業:網拍模特兒 這陣子被封為「中學生女神」的紀卜心,近日來被眾網友們瘋狂討論,不過有些網友根本不知道紀卜心是何許人也。更有網友直言紀卜心就是一個裝可愛的濃妝妹,但是也有粉絲為她護航,正反兩極的你來我往,讓紀卜心成為近來網路最具話題性的人物,隨著The Los Feliz coffee scene has a new attention-getting entrant, though all bets are off on how long it sticks around. Dumb Starbucks Coffee, which parodies the design of a coffee giant chain store, appeared out of seemingly nowhere over the weekend as a p...
