DVD-Video Information - DVD Resources for Open Source Development他們奉子成婚,但婚後整整兩年,老公卻一次也沒碰過她,直到她無意間發現老公的隨身碟...看到內容的瞬間,女人崩潰了... 圖片來源 圖片來源2 一次偶然的機會,28歲的雨寧無意中發現了丈夫鎖在櫃子裡的隨身碟,當隨身碟插入計算機的瞬間,雨寧的腦子「嗡」的炸開了。同志恩愛的錄像、一張Acknowledgments Most of the content is due to the efforts of the Ogle Player development team, many thanks. E.g. Virtual Machine (instructions and functionallity) and also the contents of .IFO files. Some content from the mpucoder web site Anyone else I h...