How to convert PAL DVD’s to NTSC and vice versa | Articles - Digital Digest恭喜拉拉徐佳瑩,正式宣布和導演男友比爾賈結婚啦! 她在臉書曬出兩人合照,寫下:「歌手跟導演結婚了,女子跟男士結婚了,黑色跟白色結婚了,射手跟雙魚結婚了!」親自和所有人宣布婚訊,相差11歲的兩人交往3年,徐佳瑩也表示:「他有我永遠追不上11年份的閱歷和定性,我有比他早11年結婚的膽識和幸A guide on how to convert DVDs from PAL to NTSC and vice versa ... HOW TO CONVERT PAL DVD’s to NTSC and VICE VERSA (Edited Version) fluke281@hotmail.com Most countries in the world use the PAL video standard which has a frame rate of 25 ......