永遠的諾基亞擋住子彈救人一命 永遠的神機!
DW Neil Peart R30 Drum Kit review | MusicRadar 出門在外,諾基亞是保命必備啊。 最近,一名巴西士兵回家探望父母時遭遇兩名搶匪,搶匪看到他後非常慌張,二話不說向他開了兩槍,其中一槍打偏,另一槍正好打在他的腿上。 搶匪開槍後倉皇逃跑,男子檢查自己傷勢,卻發現子彈根本沒有打到腿上。 &nbsDW Neil Peart R30 Drum Kit review | This exact replica of Rush's 30th anniversary tour kit is outstanding, albeit extremely expensive ... Our Verdict There is no question that this is an outstanding, albeit very expensive, set of drums, and it should be v...