havaianas 掀起夏日狂潮巨浪
Dwyane Wade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 夏天必備的 havaianas 巴西人字拖,在今年盛大舉辦『巴西狂潮』系列活動,『巴西狂潮』於 5 月 16 日至 18 日在大直美麗華盛大舉行,以七米五巨大比基尼女郎氣球作號召,搭配巴西部落及熱門話題的足球佈景,吸睛指數百分百!除了每年 havaianas 的品牌活動 MYOH(Make YouDwyane Tyrone Wade, Jr. (born January 17, 1982) is an American professional basketball player who currently plays for the Miami Heat of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He has established himself as one of the most well-known and popular players...