越南版小龍女曝光 網友:陳妍希可以被原諒了!
Comparison of e-book formats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 自從陳妍希接演小龍女之後,就引來了各種吐槽。都嫌她胖、醜、沒氣質。 主要是大家都沒有看過越南版的翻拍啊啊啊!! 好吧,我們先來回顧一下各版《神雕俠侶》的對比照! ▼古天樂李若彤版 ▼劉亦菲黃曉明版 ▼任賢齊吳倩蓮版 ▼小籠包版 還有&helliThe following is a comparison of e-book formats used to create and publish e-books. The EPUB format is the most widely supported vendor-independent XML-based (as opposed to PDF) e-book format; that is, it is supported by the largest number of e-Readers (s...