eREAD Inc. Education, Research, Evaluation and Design愛情是享受,婚姻是忍受 十個男人九個風流,十個女人,只有一個能讓男人風流 當男人喜歡一個女人的時候,他就會表現出風度; 當女人知道那個男人喜歡自己的時候,她就索求無度 女人先表現自己大方,男人就不敢小氣 人生的三大悲劇:美人會老、愛情會冷、婚姻會舊&eREAd Inc home page. eREAD Inc is located in Albuquerque, NM and is a 501c3 non profit community based organization who provides need based services. ... January 13, 2015 Dear parents and community, On January 20, 2015 e-READ will be closed. Staff will .....