看男生的「內褲」就知道(驚)!不為人所知屬於他的秘密戀愛觀⋯ ⋯♡
Derivatives of sin x, cos x, tan x, e^x and ln x | Product and quotient rules | Khan Academy四角平口褲或拳擊手內褲⋯⋯等各種不同的版型,另一半都穿什麼類型的內褲呢?!事實上從穿著的內褲種類,即可看出他的個性喔♡令人在意的戀愛傾向,就讓我們來Check看看吧~ 王道☆緊身拳擊手內褲〜 weheartit.com 緊密貼身的四角內褲,代表著安定感☆喜愛穿著這類內褲的男性,會傾向選擇能夠一同創Here is a proof of the derivative of sin x. d/dx (sin x) = lim h→ 0 (1/h) [sin(x+h) - sin (x) ] _by definition of derivative_. _Using the angle sum identity: sin(x+h) = sin(h) cos(x) + cos(h) sin(x)_ d/dx(sin x) = lim h→ 0 (1/h) { sin(h) cos(x)+cos(h) sin...