e smart bike

J E James Cycles 據香港《東方日報》報導,為了讓妻子度過一個難忘的結婚紀念日,英國諾福克郡一名56歲男子別出心裁想出奇招,花了三年時間,將海邊一個破爛的廁所打造成了一間擁有無敵海景的度假屋,並將它送給妻子作為結婚週年禮物,讓妻子喜出望外。   據報導,從事建築業的威蘭(Nick Willan),在2011JE James Cycles is the UK's largest independent bike shop. Buy bicycles & cycling goods incl. road / mountain bikes, BMX, clothing, parts & accessories ... Other Info Most out of stock products can be ordered. If you have any order or product availability...


M1-SPITZING Strongest legal E-Bike and Pedelec Made in Germany - YouTube 從小就聽到很多關於無底沼澤的怪談,或是恐怖小說與漫畫中常常會被拿來運用的題材,究竟是不是有無底沼澤的存在?   現今地表上只有很深的沼澤,並沒有到深不見底,而美國德州的溫伯利,有處地方,賈柯布泉(Jacob's Well),水質清澈,隨著陽光的方向望去,視線可抵達極深邃處,直到盡頭一片漆Das M1-SPITZING ist das stärkste straßentaugliche Pedelec am Markt! Durch einen revolutionären Carbon-Rahmen und die Integration des deutschen Motors von TQ-Systems werden die Grenzen der E-Bikes neu definiert! Das SPITZING gibt es in drei Versionen: Pede...


Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB - Welcome to the global home of motorcycle travel and overland a 很喜歡一部電影【Julie & Julia】 (2009),劇情大概是一個對工作感到灰心沮喪的曼哈頓下城發展公司員工茱莉決定用一年時間實踐美國最受歡迎的電視名廚茱莉亞的第一本食譜【精通法國烹飪的藝術】中的全部524道菜,並寫博客記錄每日進展,茱莉在這過程中逐漸找到了人生的方向和生活的動力。。 我突Horizons Unlimited presents! On the Road! is 5.5 hours of the tips and advice you need to cross borders, break down language barriers, overcome culture shock, ship the bike and deal with breakdowns and emergencies."Just makes me want to pack up and go!" ....


Jetson Electric E-Bike with Hidden Battery    怕一個人去吃迴轉壽司遭異樣眼光嗎?   沒關係,一個人在家也可以吃旋轉壽司!!!     怎麼會這麼好笑......XDDDDDDD  The Jetson E-bike brings Vespa-like visual flair to the world of electric bicycles. Jetson E-Bikes can go up to 20 miles per hour with a 40-mile range per charge. It takes about four hours to charge on a standard 110V electrical outlet and you don't have ...


Google  汽車廣告,我有點看不懂內容物想表達什麼? (小編英文很差,聽不懂) 大概是表達人體的極限與車性能的穩定(? 原版:   可能他們也不知道廣告的表達的內容(? 所以嘲諷了一番XD 惡搞:   (筋也太軟Q了吧XDD)Advertising Programmes Business Solutions +Google About Google Google.com...


East Providence Cycle - Serving Rhode Island Cyclists Since 1951 - Store in East Providence,RI - nea在公園打拳多年的拳法家‧何勝才,某日一如往常的在公園練拳的時候,居然發現世界上的人都變成殭屍了!而真正的大危機是早餐店也因此都沒有營業!一日之計在於晨,何勝才要如何在末日之中吃到今天的第一餐呢!         可喜可賀!可喜可賀!   相關連結:《You would never know that Specialized's Turbo bike has an electric-assist motor... that is until you fly past traffic going uphill. The battery is seamlessly integrated into the down tube and recharges in just 2.5 hours. The Turbo's elegantly minimal look...
