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Job interview - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   【 昨天收到這樣一條留言 】 她說:「 我離婚了。我知道是他出軌了。那天丈夫和我大吵了一架,他說他愛她。他說, 你也不看看你自己現在的樣子,一臉雀斑,滿臉皺紋。 而她,笑起來是真的好看啊,她單純,溫柔,美麗,年輕。我蹲在地上哭得很是狼狽,除了痛心,更多的是委屈。 我也曾單純過,也曾年A job interview is a type of employment test that involves a conversation between a job applicant and representative of the employing organization.[1] Interviews are one of the most popularly used devices for employee selection.[2] Interviews vary in the ...


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