Mount Vesuvius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 丹麥女孩晉升老爸! GOLDWELL 讓爸爸秒變型男的髮型直擊!一年一度屬於爸爸的日子 讓幸福從頭開始 ▲ 奧斯卡影帝艾迪瑞德曼 (Eddie Redmayne) 正式升格時尚老爸 細數最近升格當爸的巨星還真不少,除了原先的貝克漢、周杰倫、王力宏,今年入選時尚雜誌《GQ》13大型男的34歲影帝&mMount Vesuvius (Italian: Monte Vesuvio, Latin: Mons Vesuvius) is a stratovolcano in the Gulf of Naples, Italy, about 9 km (5.6 mi) east of Naples and a short distance from the shore. It is one of several volcanoes which form the Campanian volcanic arc. Ve...