
N e e d l e p r i n t 單眼皮小正太   一組韓國喜感小正太照片走紅, 匯集了圓臉、小眼、單眼皮等特徵的小寶寶天生喜感, 萌翻了微博上一眾網友, 十分可愛。 Talking of overlooked books, this corker of a book on medieval embroidery is often taken by its cover for a book intended for children. And it so isn't! This is a book for serious scholars and enthusiasts. But talking of the cover, at first glance, I took...


e-p - 新聞搜尋結果有一位日本網友為了測試看看其他國家怎麼看待日本,所以想到了一個天才方法,他打開google圖片用各國語言搜尋「日本」,並截圖記錄下來,最後,他在用把搜尋結果做總整理時居然發現一個讓人哭笑不得的現象...   以下,就是這位網友所搜出來的圖片: 法國   瑞典  &nbs...


s i x p e g s | fashion, music, fun, love and everything about my life.今天妹妹興致勃勃想要包餃子當作晚飯,老媽還誇她難得這麼勤快~於是她這個平時都不做菜的小公主,在那邊做了很久的麵皮(偷偷告訴你們:她要用那個最新式的包餃子模具來偷懶!)相信我這一步是很考驗功夫的! 可是...只是離開了一會兒,回來就看到這副景象.................... 據上傳New blog post is up! sixpegs.com Go read and see my random photos! :p 5 days ago Caught yourself at the last moment b4 Shopping Cart check out? With Visa, there'll be no more #HoverFinger! bit.ly/1hHgx7Z 1 week ago Anyone keen to take up a part time job ....


Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Celebrity Gossip | E! Online 太陽花學運不出我所料,在上週四傍晚告一段落。結論是,很多人還是對各式自由貿易協定內容不甚瞭解。大部分的學生只對曾經佔領立法與行政兩院感到興奮,但對於台灣正值簽署的幾個區域FTA,還有很多的模糊認知。 經濟部長張家祝上週說過,如果兩岸的服貿協議不過,這對以美國為主的跨太平洋夥伴關係(TPP),也將遭Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and celebrity gossip. Check out the hottest fashion, photos, movies and TV shows! ... BRAND NEW ON E! 7:00 PM E! NEWS : TODAY'S TOP STORIES 8:00 PM KEEPING UP WITH THE ......


* T h e * V i s u a l * V a m p *  24歲的阿曼達(Amanda Gryce)從6歲的時候就開始罹患這個怪病,每天性高潮不下50次,有時候一小時會高潮5~6次,只要一點震動,比如坐車,身體就會突然爆發,一度把她逼到崩潰自殺的邊緣。她完全不敢向家人朋友提起自己的問題,忍受這個秘密長達十來年,有時候在朋友面前就突然發作了,她Alberto and I always worked on house projects together. One was in progress when he died, but now it is finished. I wrote about the start of it a few months ago in a post called In The Manner Of Noguchi. I could not do the project without Alberto. So I ha...
