Olympus PEN E-P5 Wi-Fi Enabled Interchangeable Lens Digital Camera | Olympus ▲男網友的女朋友是超可愛的職業軍人,但是偶爾會職業病發作。(source:infospesial,下同)示意圖,非本人 大家對於職業軍人都好像有一種特別的想像,其實他們也是一般人,只是偶爾會有「職業病」罷了。不過這樣的情形,發生在男生身上似乎還好,但是如果「職業病」是發作在女生身上,16MP Live MOS Featuring the 16 megapixel Live MOS sensor of the OM-D E-M5, the Olympus Micro Four Thirds fourth generation PEN E-P5, is optimized to maximize the performance of all mZuiko digital lenses in any shooting condition. Improvements to the ......