凱文哈特告訴你當男人吵架時甩門爆走的情況 女友知道後全部都笑歪天了
Nikon patent for 18mm f/1.8, 20mm f/1.8 FX lenses | Nikon Rumors 圖片截圖自影片中 影片轉自youtube 同場加映 脫口秀又來了!!凱文哈特這次說出了男人獨自在家時的祕密!!不要說啊!!!笑翻全場!! 凱文哈特某次在野外遇到了「這個生物」,後面發生的事情我笑到崩潰了!!And the 24 f1.4 N = 36 f1.4 N on DX. It is a 16 = 24 DX that is missing! The longer Nikon goes without one, the more people will buy a Sony E mount camera with their 16 f2.8 = 24 equiv. (admittedly not a good lens, distorts a lot) or a Panasonic / Olympus...