Nikon patent for 18mm f/1.8, 20mm f/1.8 FX lenses | Nikon Rumors 試想一下, 如果因為種種原因,你曾被迫與兒時親密的小夥伴分離, 並且此後漸漸失去了聯繫, 多年後,當你們再次不期而遇,你還能一眼認出她來嗎? 我們今天要說的,就是一個冥冥中自有天意的故事。 照片中這位慈愛的奶奶名叫Ida Wilde, 已經83歲高齡的她,子孫滿堂, 日子過得好不愜意And the 24 f1.4 N = 36 f1.4 N on DX. It is a 16 = 24 DX that is missing! The longer Nikon goes without one, the more people will buy a Sony E mount camera with their 16 f2.8 = 24 equiv. (admittedly not a good lens, distorts a lot) or a Panasonic / Olympus...