BMW 535i E60 2008 STOCK Acceleration 0-100 km/h 0-60 mp/h 100-200 km/h 60-120 mp/h - YouTube「渣男」話題延燒不斷。TVBS歡樂台《女人我最大》邀請最近爆紅的大根,以及陸元琪來聊「讓人看透渣男」。主持人藍心湄開場介紹:「這是最近很紅的一位大根。」還虧一旁的綠茶(林埈永)﹕「怎麼辦?你會不會不平衡,你的渣男封號被取代了!」不過藍心湄形容大根是「因禍得福」,讓大根超級好奇:「福在哪裡?」藍心湄表This is my completely stock BMW 535i E60 2008 with a non-sport (regular) automatic gearbox and 95 octane premium gasoline. We have a very bad fuel in our country.. I think that the performance of the car with a better gasoline (European, Arabian or Americ...