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NASA astronaut Scott Kelly eager to begin record yearlong stay on space station - CBS News 日本在今年的10月24日~11月3日間,位於東京都立川市與昭島市國營昭和紀念公園將舉辨「肉節 TOKYO 2014秋」的新奇活動! 會場內多達34個肉品攤位,聚集了許多世界不同肉類料理,更可以在現場享受各式各樣的當地啤酒,真的是可以大口吃肉大口喝酒的好地方啊! ※提醒您:飲酒過量,有礙健康,未成年NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko are getting ready for a one-year stay on the space station ... The International Space Station is normally staffed by overlapping three-person crews launched aboard Russian Soyuz ferry craft. Each...


Knight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 這年頭怎麼這麼多笨蛋?今天上午「我是竹北人」粉絲團分享一段影片...裏頭這位駕駛,竟然直接把機車等候區當成了停車格,還再三確認後離去...A knight (/naɪt/[1]) is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a monarch or other political leader for service to the Monarch or country, especially in a military capacity. Historically, in Europe, knighthood has been conferred upon mounted w...


Despite U.S. Warnings, Iraqis Push for Winter Offensive in Mosul - NYTimes.com 依照高速公路交通管制規則,機車不得行駛及進入高速公路,否則依法開罰單金額3千到6千元不等。 A dispute is brewing between Baghdad and Washington over whether Iraq is ready to carry out such a complex urban battle against the Islamic State. ... The United States currently does not plan to advise Iraqi forces below the level of a brigade, which in ...
