Earl-Jean McCrea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 一架飛機剛抵達某機場,機上的空服員立刻將一個可疑的罐子交給當地的航警。 航警打開一看是粉狀的物質,於此把手伸進去沾了一點放在舌尖測試。 「嗯,不知道是什麼東西?我知道不是毒品,可是也不是糖?」正當空服員和航警在狐疑之際, 一位老太太慌慌張張的跑Earl-Jean "Jeanie" Reavis (born 1942)[1] is an American former pop and R&B singer who was a member of vocal group, the Cookies. Credited as Earl-Jean, she had a solo hit with the original version of "I'm Into Somethin' Good", written by Gerry Goffin and C...