[正妹美眉] 男人心中永遠的「性感女神」盤點朱茵所飾演的經典角色
Easy peasy lemon squeezy - WordReference Forums 17年前一部《大話西遊之月光寶盒》讓觀眾記住了片中非常美麗的紫霞仙子。物是人非,當年的紫霞仙子--朱茵,已過40大關,但保養的很好,風韻猶存,性感女神朱茵,曾出演過多部膾炙人口的影視劇如:《大話西遊》、《逃學威龍》、《射鵰英雄傳》等等。曾獲第36屆台灣電影金馬獎最佳女主角提名。卡民大票選:在這些經Imagine a child in the school playground beating another child at a game. In a taunting, gloating way they might say: "Ha ha, beat you. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!" But equally, a mother might use it to a child, maybe after successfully convincing them to d...