男神的品味是發生甚麼事?《美少女戰士》男主角地場衛的土氣私服Top 6│妞新聞
eat - definition of eat by The Free Dictionary by 左一 有多少人小時候的初戀是帥氣又神秘的地場衛呢?《美少女戰士》不只成為動漫界的經典,在作品裡的男女主角月野兔和地場衛,也隨著動漫人氣上漲,成為國民少女們憧憬的夢幻情侶。過去我們曾經介紹過《美少女戰士》女性角色穿搭,但我們卻發現男主角地場衛的私服,比起女性的復古有型,反而充斥著謎一eat (ēt) v. ate (āt), eat·en (ēt′n), eat·ing, eats v.tr. 1. a. To take into the body by the mouth for digestion or absorption. b. To take in and absorb as food: a plant that eats insects; a cell that eats bacteria. c. To include habitually or by preferenc...