氫燃料電池綠能車款Honda Clarity問世在即!搶灘Toyota Mirai市場板塊
ECS - Motherboard, VGA, Notebook, Tablet PC, System, IPC, LIVAisCar! 很明顯地,直指Toyotay最新氫燃料電池車而來的Honda Clarity,似乎就是不把Tesla放在眼裡,遂於日前宣示新代目氫燃料電池作品Clarity將於今年年底正式量產首發,並且瞄準美國加州市場作為搶灘的首要灘口! 雖說這樣講不太厚道,但是對於研發氫燃料電池早已行之有年的HonWhat's New Power Saving and Cool - LIVA X Low-power consumption LIVA X with fan-less design stays cool while eliminating inflow of debris which might harm the system.more Product News Expert Recommend Enjoying Great Gaming Performance Without ......