
Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)   經過精采的跨年時刻,2015 年正式揭開序幕,新的一年開始如果有一幅新月曆,日子會過的較有計劃性 ; 許多人會在一年之始添購喜歡的月曆,而畢竟是要看一整年的,畫面自然要選看的順眼的才行,如果是既「養眼」又能做公益的月曆,那是不是特別有意義? 一群來自英國利物浦大學橄欖球隊的Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), is a global nonprofit organization that designs, delivers, and evaluates innovative programs to address some of the world's most urgent challenges in education, health, and international development....


International Development Division | EDC, Inc.  說起棒棒糖,一般人只會想到小孩子吃的糖果,非常孩子氣的印象,但今天要介紹的一組棒棒糖廣告將帶你脫離原有的思維,這些糖也可以很性感!德國攝影師Julius Ise 拍攝一系列棒棒糖廣告,將辣妹和糖果做結合,絕對不同於普通的零食形象。     ▼「想吃我嗎?」 &nbsEDC’s International Development Division collaborates with local partners in more than 35 countries to make education more accessible, relevant, and exciting. ... Matching young people with meaningful jobs and livelihood opportunities stands as one of the...


EDCForums 有28G傲人胸圍的「瑜珈女神」房妍最近接受宅男女神小歪街訪時,房妍不吝嗇向網友傳授「三招」,希望大家一起「長大」!房妍是在2015台北新車大展碰到小歪,原本應該是「雙峰對決」,但小歪在房妍28G的巨乳下,看起來完全就是小朋友,女神霸氣蕩然無存,只好乖乖訪問,不敢造次。而人很nice的房妍,除了接受It's a travel bag, it is a backpack, it is a messenger bag. The Tri-Star is a midsize carry-on travel bag replete with useful features — it may just be a business or pleasure traveler's dream bag. With room for most sizes of our Brain Cell, the center com...


EDC (示意圖,與本文無關) 這是一個和老外談戀愛的姑娘寫的文章,但是寫得還挺誠實的,對社會現象反思,自我反省都有,可以看一看。 今天在上網的時候,看見了一條很讓我覺得悲涼的討論串。說是外國人在聊天談論台灣女性。“台灣女性對於白人男子有著特別的狂熱的喜愛。相比於面對亞洲男子的矜持和對於台灣男EDC is a leading Commercial General Contractor and Development Management Company, with 25 years of experience and licensed in 29 states. EDC is employee-owned, with over 60 current employees, and Principal involvement in every project. These qualities .....


EDC Limited, Goa, Panaji 震撼!一個國外的統計數據報告揭示,馬來西亞性愛工作者的數量在世界上排第八位。 以下是前十位最高數量性工作者的國家,每10000人:   10. 泰國。每10000人,45性工作者 實際上,在泰國賣淫是非法的,但因為當地社區的容忍,它成為被監管的賣淫業務。   9. 德國。每10EDC Ltd. is primarily a financial institution established by the Government of Goa to promote industrial investment within the State (earlier Union Territory). ... What is EDC ? The EDC Limited, formerly known as the Economic Development Corporation of Go...
