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Eee Box PCs - EeeBox PC EB1501 - ASUS就好像是已經約定好的一樣,日本Honda與Toyota在今年10月的東京車展上不約而同地分別發表了全新世代的日規Fit與Yaris,而這兩部同級距車款由於在國內販售緣故,因此重要性不可言喻;但據了解,未來新一代國產Fit與Yaris未必會是這般樣貌與尺碼,不過儘管如此,依舊能透過這兩部新世代的日規FRight out of the box, the EeeBox PC EB1501 sets out to challenge the traditional "watching of DVDs on an LCD TV" home entertainment concept. With HDMI-output, a slot-load optical disc drive (ODD) and the ability to play content from your own media library...