Eee PC 1000H RAM Upgrade | myeeeguides.wordpress.com有一天小新問爸爸:「爸,【生氣】、>> 【憤怒】、【 抓狂】以及【哭笑不得】有什麼不同 ?>> 爸爸說:「我做個實驗給你看,就容易懂了 。」>> 於是他開翻電話簿,隨便找一個姓林的電話號碼,>> 便撥了電話過去,電 話接通 爸爸按擴音鍵讓小新聽清楚---->> 爸爸 :「請問史特龍在嗎?」>> 對方The ASUS Eee PC 1000H ships with 1GB RAM. Please take a look at the following guide, if you want to upgrade your machine and you are not so sure about the individual steps and what kind of memory module to by. All i can say: "It's really easy!" The 1000H ...