eee pc 701 xp iso

祐福的部落格: EeePC 701安裝XP教學與歷程標題:EeePC 701安裝XP教學與歷程,作者:m96332008,分類:電腦硬體,關鍵字:,屬性:文章,時間:2009-06-11 21:07:33 ... Hi,歡迎參觀我的部落格 我是數位所的研究生 對電腦軟硬體有狂熱的興趣 所以你有這方面的問題一定要找我...


ASUS Eee PC 701(4G) Linux | 一個筆記部落格 這是在網路上看到的,據說這是大陸小學一年級的數學題,你知道答案是多少嗎?       解答:答案為2分析:圓為在外面算0,在裡面算-1;正方形在裡面算1,在外面算4;三角形在裡面算2,在外面算3。知道這些之後把裡外相加就行了,三角形(外)+圓(內)=2不過跳跳虎還有看最近安裝了 無線分享器 dlink dir300,設定金鑰 聯想的筆電 xp home 連線沒問題 EEE Pc 701 (linux)則一直是 pending…. EEE Pc 701 以 RJ45 連線上網沒問題 KIWY...


Install Windows XP on Asus Eee PC | Serban Ghita      好可憐...Read the guide on how to install Windows XP and Asus drivers, run software directly from USB, play games on Asus Eee PC netbook. ... had xp media center installed on an Eee PC 4g surf for a while now and itruns smooth after some initial tweeking. the prob...


Windows 7 on EeePC 901 綜合測試報告 (第1頁) - Asus - Mobile01原來....蟑螂有這麼多妙用@@ 601628 wrote: 請問k大~~如果把W...(恕刪) 這個....恐怕701不給灌唷~ 因為在4G的磁區中,Win7在磁碟工具中根本不給你進行下一步... wros wrote: 你好,可不可以請你測...(恕刪) 電力嗎?好的,我今天晚上測試看看唷~...


Reinstall / Recover Windows XP On Asus Eee PC 900HA你也有這樣子過嗎...??? Anonymous OK! I guess the coffee I just drank, assisted me with my plight. This is currently working! It automagically launched ghost and is currently restoring. My problem was that I made the changes "locally" put the files back into the WINPE.ISO but I ...


How to Install Windows XP on an ASUS Eee PC Using a USB Drive恩恩~用SIRI真的是不想被注意都難啊!! How to Install Windows XP on an ASUS Eee PC Using a USB Drive. This topic will guide you step-by-step through installing Microsoft Windows XP on an ASUS Eee PC netbook, which comes pre-installed with Linux distro and has no CD/DVD drive.......
