eee pc 901 xp iso

Setting up XEPC on the Eee-PC 901 XP – Roy Tanck’s weblog哈哈....我覺得口紅膠應該很好用!!!!     看你變成有錢人的指數Wow, that was easy! I just installed XEPC (Linux) on my 901 Eee-PC, and it required nowhere near as many steps as most (probably older) tutorials will have you believe. All you need to do is download the iso image from Sourceforge, use 7-Zip to copy its c...


Windows 7 on EeePC 901 綜合測試報告 (第1頁) - Asus - Mobile01好讚~你一定猜不到這在廣告甚麼!!! 這陣子來講,Microsoft Windows7的公佈應該算是當紅的話題吧。 kb也去官方網站下載了一份iso來玩玩(參考M01上大家的討論),不過手邊只有工作用的VAIO TZ,還有桌機Mac mini,直接灌在工作機上好像有點衝動,後來想一想,就灌在VMware中作測試了。...


Install Windows XP on Asus Eee PC | Serban Ghita位於歐洲的直布羅陀機場,屬民用及軍用,由英國國防部屬下的英國皇家空軍管理。 由於其跑道長度只有1,829米,因此大型廣體客機一般上也不能安全升降,故航空公司只能用小型窄體飛機服務直布羅陀的航班,有一條行車道路橫跨跑道,也是全球極罕有的。 Read the guide on how to install Windows XP and Asus drivers, run software directly from USB, play games on Asus Eee PC netbook. ... had xp media center installed on an Eee PC 4g surf for a while now and itruns smooth after some initial tweeking. the prob...


Install XP from a RAM loaded ISO image - Install Windows from USB - MSFN Forum恩  上廁所很麻煩 Page 1 of 13 - Install XP from a RAM loaded ISO image - posted in Install Windows from USB: Install XP from a RAM loaded ISO image. Use a default XP ISO image.Addional files are at a F6 virtual floppy.After years of search a new driver is developed: FiraD...
