男生票選「忍不住想觸摸的女生部位」結果也太意外了吧Σ ´ω`*
eeepc - Ubuntu on an Asus EEE PC 4G (701) - Ask Ubuntu對啊~我完全覺得答案一定是ㄋㄟㄋㄟ這樣(抓)連我們女生常常都會忍不住想摸大胸女的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ了,又何況是男生呢?還是其實因為這調查是針對草食化的日本男生,所以答案才會跟我想的不一樣咧。 圖片來自:https://twitter.com/kon_kira/status/33631057157Is the architecture version you tried 64bit? For a EEE PC 701 4G, you need to install the 32bit version. You don't say what version Ubuntu you tried. I have had 10.04 running for a few years now, and have previously booted 12.04 as a LiveUSB....