Setting up XEPC on the Eee-PC 901 XP – Roy Tanck’s weblog一個典型的大男人娶了個典型的小美女,婚禮剛剛結束,大男人就立下了下面的規矩:我想什麼時候回家就什麼時候回家,只要我想,不論是什麼時候我想,你都不能為此為難我!每天晚上你必須為我準備好一頓豐盛的晚餐,除非我告訴你我不回來了。只要我想,我就可以和我的老朋友出去打獵、釣魚、飲酒或打牌,你也不能為此刁難我!Wow, that was easy! I just installed XEPC (Linux) on my 901 Eee-PC, and it required nowhere near as many steps as most (probably older) tutorials will have you believe. All you need to do is download the iso image from Sourceforge, use 7-Zip to copy its c...