ef a fairy tale of the two動畫

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ef: A Tale of Melodies. (ef ~ A Tale of Melodies) - MyAnimeList.net   (圖文皆轉自今日頭條,下同)   他把一枝步槍固定在一個鐵架在上,讓後把它們放到用泳池的里面,讓水沒過步槍一定深度。(請不要模仿,這些都是專業人士通過計算才做的。) 然後再用一根繩子的一頭拴住步槍的扳機,另一頭被那個男子拽著。為什麼不用別人開槍?從上圖可以看出,步槍和人的距Looking for information on ef: A Tale of Melodies. (ef ~ A Tale of Melodies)? Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. In a story set years in the past, Himura Yuu is a studious and diligent yo...
