eff meaning

What does EFF mean? - EFF Definition - Meaning of EFF - InternetSlang.com近日dcard網友分享,某天帶男友回宿舍「愛愛」,二人太投入,「愛愛」的聲音太大,讓室友受不了在門上貼「室友公告」,裡面的「藏頭詩」看了讓她不敢出聲了,網友都說:「室友太有才哈哈,隔音一定很差。」 (圖:室友公告 Sourse:dcard ) 原本以為她放假回家,帶著男友回家「愛愛」,由於自己「愛愛This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of EFF is. The slang word / acronym / abbreviation EFF means... . Internet Slang. A list of common slang words, acronyms and abbreviations as used in websites, ICQ chat rooms, blogs, SMS, an...


What does eff mean? definition and meaning (Free English Language Dictionary) BMW在三年前成立品牌「i」,推出i3電動車、i8混合動力跑車兩款車型,目前賣出車子數目共7萬部,其中i3占6萬部、i8的銷售數字則有1萬部,但驚人的是,有超過近八成的客戶,都是過去從未買過BMW的車主,首度入主,就選了BMW的電動車。   除此之外,330e、X5xDrive40e這款Definition of eff in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. Meaning of eff. What does eff mean? Proper usage of the word eff. Information about eff in the AudioEnglish.org dictionary ......


EFF - Definition by AcronymFinder - Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary  Benz自從在日前將A-Class改為掀背車後,遍廣受市場歡迎,現在第四代也開始道路實測,國外媒體也在最近公布一系列A-Class預想圖,除了外觀改造後,車身尺碼也調大,這台車將在2017年正式登場。   根據外媒消息指出,A-Class新一代車頭部分會預計將搭載最新形式的水Rank Abbr. Meaning EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation EFF Effect(ive) EFF Effects EFF Efficiency EFF Equipped For the Future EFF Evergreen Freedom Foundation EFF European Fisheries Fund (EU structural policy) EFF Effingham EFF Extended Fund Facility ......


Electronic Frontier Foundation - Official Site 台灣總代理六和汽車於近日發表小改款Ford Kuga,除了調整改善外觀與內裝之外,更在安全設備上面加以調整,全車系更標配七具安全氣囊。這次在外型上的調整,換上了大面積六角形水箱護罩,讓Kuga車頭看起來更有氣勢,更搭配下掠式LED日行燈,跟進氣孔還有霧燈,外貌上相當搶眼,但在車側與車尾部分,設計的Defending your rights in the digital world ... EFF is leading the fight against the NSA's illegal mass surveillance program. Learn more about what the program is, how it works, and ......


FYI - Definition by AcronymFinder - Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary Volvo為進軍中國市場,已針對當地市場需求做出調整,除此之外,Volvo這次藉由廣州車展預計將一舉發表兩款S90系列車款,一款為中國生產車型,另一款推出的將是品牌旗艦S90 Excellence。   而Volvo這次更瞄準中國市場對於頂級豪華轎車的嚮往,更將在地化生產品牌旗艦轎車系SRank Abbr. Meaning FYI For Your Information FYI For Your Interest FYI Found Your Insulin FYI For Your Inspection FYI For Your Intonation (music) FYI Forget You Idiot (polite form) FYI For You Indirectly FYI For Young Investors (bank account) FYI For Your ...


Eff you, it's my blog Volkswagen預計在近日發表第七代Golf小改款,預計將於10日登場。外型預估將會維持第七代的外型設計,且也會針對車子的前後保桿進行改動,在座艙科技上也做了相當程度的調整。 根據外媒報導指出,這次小改款Golf預計將改採9.5吋顯示螢幕,而中控台也會採8吋面板,並會採用手勢控制娛樂影音系統,A blog about contract attorneys, temporary attorneys and the strange life of temps in the legal world. ... My project is winding down. We probably have a couple-three weeks to go, but it could be less. Could be more, but it is time to get antsy....
