比「你好醜」一句話還羞辱!男生聽過 5 句最殘酷的外表評語
Simple egg cake – Aayis Recipes - Aayi’s Recipes – Indian and Konkan authentic home-made Food Re 任何只要是扯到臉蛋的負面評論,不管對方說得多麼委婉,對方聽起來都是一種羞辱吧!日本醜男網友就排名出了聽過最殘酷的「直球評論」,直接被女生戀愛判死,真是夠傷人的~ 第 5 名 「你的臉預算有點少呢,應該可以叫作低預算臉吧!」 代表比起其他人精緻的臉孔,你的臉真是作工粗糙,可能是當初父母拿到預算的太少Hi Shilpa.. That was a good recipe.I am new to the cake preparation.Have some doubts. The color of the cake was dark brown both the texture and inside.I used baking soda instead of baking powder.Will that be the reason? Also,can i reduce the quantity of t...