史上最糟的十三個號誌牌 叫人去撞安全桿就算了 上廁所竟然還要注意...
Review: Skinfood Egg White Pore Foam | Holy Snails!號誌牌的根本意義在於提供人們明確的資訊或是方向。然而,就是有些糟糕的號誌不但講不清楚,還把人搞得頭昏眼花、手足無措。一起來看看這十三個史上最糟的號誌牌,換作是你,你會怎麼辦呢? 我只是想去蒙特婁阿... 所以我現在要爬廁所的窗戶進去嗎? (翻譯)上: 禁止進入/ 下: 只許進入 恩,我會盡我最大的努A foaming cleanser that contains pore-purifying egg white and deep-cleanses pore-clogging impurities with rich white foam. Egg White Story: Egg white is loaded with albumin that consists of amino acids. To Use: Dispense an ample amount onto wet palms and ...